Kim Possible is an Emmy Award-winning American animated television series about a teenage crime fighter who has the task of dealing with worldwide, family, and school issues every day. The show is action-oriented, but also has a light-hearted atmosphere and often lampoons the conventions and clich?s of the secret-agent and action genres. The series revolves around the life of Kimberly Ann Possible, a junior adventurer who deals with both super-villains trying to take over the world and her own school life without actually living a double life. Her lifetime friend Ron Stoppable and Ron's pet naked mole rat, Rufus, act as sidekicks. They are backed up by Wade, a ten-year-old genius who gives Kim her equipment and missions and never seems to leave his room, though he does on a few occasions in the last season. The characters live in the average town of Middleton, and while the series revolves mostly around Kim?s fight against her enemies, she usually also has to deal with problems in her own daily life as a cheerleading teenager, normally as a subplot in many episodes.

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 12, 2010

Adventure Island

Adventure Island
Adventure_Island.jpgAdventure Island: Try to get a high score by shooting away the enemies that appear on the screen! Caution: Being shot by the enemies or shooting Ron will reduce your health points. If you run out of points, the mission is aborted! Use your mouse click to shoot a laser at wherever the target is aimed. Use the space key to launch a mega bomb.
Play this game!

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